Evans – Disenfectants & Bleach

Evans Vanodine has been developing and manufacturing consistent, efficient and cost-effective cleaning and hygiene products for over 100 years. There have been many important, and impressive, milestones over the past 100 years.  In 1969 Evans reached for the stars, when their disinfectants were used to protect the public when moon dust from the moon landing went on display in Manchester. Today Evans  products cover an extensive range of applications. They help kill pathogenic diseases in hospitals and keep farms where our food comes from and the restaurants that serve it, safe and hygienic. They also help to make sure schools are germ-free and that kids know the importance of hand-washing, which is so ever important.

For full details on Evans Disenfectants & Bleach range please click on links below:



Evans – Disenfectants & Bleach


Evans Vanodine has been developing and manufacturing consistent, efficient and cost-effective cleaning and hygiene products for over 100 years. There have been many important, and impressive, milestones over the past 100 years.  In 1969 Evans reached for the stars, when their disinfectants were used to protect the public when moon dust from the moon landing went on display in Manchester. Today Evans  products cover an extensive range of applications. They help kill pathogenic diseases in hospitals and keep farms where our food comes from and the restaurants that serve it, safe and hygienic. They also help to make sure schools are germ-free and that kids know the importance of hand-washing, which is so ever important.

For full details on Evans Disenfectants & Bleach range please click on links below:
